To enable all young people, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
A safe place to learn and grow...
Ongoing relationships with caring, adult professionals...
Life-enhancing programs and
character development experiences...
Hope and opportunity.
Board of Directors
Diann Srubar, President
Paul Curran, Vice President
Lauralee Zalman, Secretary
Karon Barbee, Treasurer
Carolyn Kubecka, Palacios President
Julie Crider
Lauren Green
Dr. William Griffiths MD
Rita Hancock
Michael Hansen
Tommy Hitzfield
Lance Lurker
Hailey Parsons
Teresa Ramsey
Lynn Reed
Savannah Stockton
Michael Trahan
Mack Anderson
Norelle Lundy
Mindi Snyder